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LIPC Long Island Sound - Exclusively made for Long Island Pipe Club

The cube-cut white burley provides a lot of nuts, earth, wood, some dry sourness, and pinches of spice. Could be an all-day smoke for the veteran, and is certainly repeatable for the less experienced. 


2oz.    10.25      4oz.    19.25      8oz.    37.25      16oz.    72.00

LIPC Long Island Sound - Exclusively made for Long Island Pipe Club

  • The smoky, woody, earthy, vegetative, leathery, musty, incense-like, mildly sweet, dryly sour Cyprian Latakia is the lead component. The fragrant Turkish offers some floralness, earth, wood, herbs, vegetation, smoke, dry sourness, and a fair amount of spice as a supporting player. The cube cut white burley provides a lot of nuts, earth, wood, some dry sourness, and pinches of spice. The burley is close behind the Turkish in terms of effect. The sugary, creamy sweet black cavendish is a step behind the burley as it accounts for much of the sweetness. The grassy, tart and tangy citrus, bready, lightly floral and sugary, slightly spicy Virginia is far in the background. The strength and nic-hit are medium. The taste is a slot past the medium threshold. There’s no chance of bite or harshness. It has a few small rough edges typical of blends in this genre. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable pace with a mostly consistent nutty, floral, mildly sweet and spicy, savory campfire flavor. Leaves little dampness in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a mildly lingering pleasant after taste. The room note is a touch more potent. Could be an all day smoke for the veteran, and is certainly repeatable for the less experienced. 


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