Mr. Churchill fancied his cigar. I believe he would have been pleased with the liberal amount of cigar leaf that is added the Virginias, Burley, Latakia and Perique that makes up this traditional English mixture. A robust tobacco and a special treat.
2oz. 10.40 4oz. 19.50 8oz. 37.75 16oz. 73.00
The smoky, woody, lightly floral, semi-sweet rich Connecticut cigar leaf is the base of the blend, and most obvious component. The smoky, woody, earthy, musty sweet Cyprian latakia is an important secondary player. Competing with it is the nutty, earthy, woody, molasses sweet burley. Sometimes, the two swap positions. The lightly floral, dry, woody, slightly buttery sweet Oriental is a condiment. The grassy, citrusy Virginia is essentially in the background, A few dabs of sugary black cavendish smoothes out potential rough edges. The strength is medium, while the taste just passes that mark. Both start out at little lesser levels, and each gain a couple steps as you go along. The nic-hit is closer to medium than it is to mild. Won’t bite, and has no harsh notes. Well blended with a little nuance, it burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with a fairly consistent flavor that translates to the lingering after taste. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and needs an average number of relights. Can be an all day smoke depending on your proclivity for cigar blends.