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An exotic bled of Virginia's and Black Cavendish mixed with flavors of vanilla & nougart for a perfectly balanced rich smoke. 


2oz.    9.40      4oz.    17.50      8oz.    33.75      16oz.    65.00


  • The Virginia is grassy, and bready with a mild tart and tangy citrus plus a little sugar and honey. The black cavendish is creamy, sugary with a touch of vanilla and floralness. The tobaccos are sublimated by the rich nougat topping which replaced the almond topping formerly used. The honey essence is mild. The strength, taste and nic-hit are very mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Has no rough edges. Burns cool, clean and a tad slow with a very consistent sweet flavor from top to bottom. Requires some relights, and leaves little moisture in the bowl, but no dottle. The very pleasant after taste and room notes are very short lived. An all day smoke.


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